Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Doctoral graduates quaint master does not know for sex with wife

sory je hot topics
A husband and wife who are in their 30s came Hubei, China, calculating the government of pregnant women will only sleep in one bed.
But the couple has a higher education. Before getting married, they are afraid of holding hands and kissing for fear the woman will become pregnant.
Oddities, 3 years married couples do not know when to have children must have sex first.
The couple then met with the doctor because his wife, who holds a master's degree, not even pregnant. The couple married three years and was shocked when doctors knew about their sex lives. The husband who holds the title of doctor admitted if they are too focused on their education.From:sory tajuk je panas
Sepasang suami-isteri yang berada di usia 30-an berasal Hubei, China, mengira si perempuan akan hamil keranaa hanya tidur dalam satu tempat tidur.
Padahal pasangan ini memiliki pendidikan yang tinggi. Sebelum menikah, mereka takut berpegangan tangan dan berciuman kerana khuatir si perempuan bakal hamil.
Aneh tapi nyata, 3 tahun menikah pasangan suami isteri ini tidak tahu bila untuk mendapatkan anak mesti harus hubungan seks terlebih dulu.
Pasangan ini kemudian bertemu dengan doktor kerana isteri, yang memegang gelar master, tidak juga hamil. Pasangan ini menikah selama tiga tahun dan doktor terkejut ketika tahu kehidupan seks mereka. Sang suami yang memegang gelaran doktor mengaku jika mereka terlalu fokus ke pendidikan mereka.

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